Cleveland - The Butthole of the World 5 June 2020
After conversing with folks and reflecting on the messaging of "The Butthole..." shirt, I've decided to close sales. Thank you to all that were able to pick one up for a great cause. Together we were able to raise $1300 for #BLMcleveland.
Thanks for showing up, Cleveland. Shirts are ordered, I'll print them up and ship them out as soon as they come in!
I never wanted to make Cleveland tee shirts. There are plenty of great Cleveland brands who have built their business around Cleveland pride. I've worked for them and I love them! However, the mayor's remarks came at such a time that a good laugh was necessary, and I couldn't help but to create a graphic to momentarily zone out from the constant barrage of terrible in the world. People responded.
However terrible things may be, there is an underlying hope that it can be better. Things can change. My black brothers and sisters, neighbors and strangers, will some day be able to walk or drive down the street without fear of being targeted and brutalized by police because of the color of their skin. We're fighting a battle for the soul of this country. It must be love and peaceful understanding that drives this world, not fear and hatred. Progress comes at a cost, and with a fascist president in the white house, the battle will be tough. But we can and will fight against racists, fascists, and oppressors. Continue to show up and make your voices heard. White allies - please allow the voices who haven't been heard the moment to speak and listen. Make changes. Don't be a butthole.
All proceeds from the sale of this shirt will benefit Black Lives Matter Cleveland. I'm running a pre-order through the weekend to gauge interest and to see how many shirts need to be ordered from my supplier. Shirts will be hand printed by me in my garage. Please be patient, this is a pre-order, and I am not Amazon.
Purchase here -
Donate to BLMCleveland directly here -
Any questions please contact